Jumat, 13 April 2012

ODOT works with local business to maintain commerce

From ODOT-

When the Interstate 5 northbound off-ramp to Franklin Boulevard closed to traffic in October 2011, affected business owners were concerned about the detour signage. Because the detour would be in effect for two years, the business owners believed that it would be better to use signs to mark the new route as though it were the normal route, not a detour.

ODOT construction manager Karl Wieseke sprang into action as soon as he was contacted by the businesses. He convened a meeting with project and business representatives to better understand the issues. Then he arranged a driving tour so all parties could be together to see the situation and discuss solutions.

The group agreed to a plan, engineers designed new signage and the contractor quickly secured and installed the new signs. ODOT always welcomes feedback, and the local businesses expressed appreciation for ODOT’s responsiveness.

ODOT modified the signs along northbound I-5 with the exit number, changing it from 192 to 191. Nothing on the signs indicates a detour, only the appropriate exit.

Once drivers have exited I-5, signs noting the detour and listing businesses along Franklin Boulevard direct traffic north onto Glenwood Boulevard and east or west on Franklin Boulevard to reach the communities of Springfield and Eugene.

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