Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Ramps and walls

From ODOT-

I know people are pleased that the I-5 northbound off-ramp to Franklin Blvd. has reopened. Now, the I-5 southbound on-ramp from Franklin Blvd. is closed through November 30. Glenwood Blvd. remains the detour route.

Rather than close the southbound on-ramp multiple times over the next two years, we decided to close it once for 18 to 20 weeks. During that time, we'll rebuild the ramp to align it with the new southbound bridge, which is higher than the I-5 Willamette River Bridge that it is replacing.

As you have driven through the area, you may have noticed additional work west of the ramp; we are building a sound wall. Over the past year, we spoke with Laurel Hill Valley residents and other community members about the sound wall's design. We also discussed enhancements that would help it blend into the neighborhood. In addition to mitigating traffic noise from the ramp and I-5, the wall has many improvements over our standard design.

I encourage you to check the blog and follow us on Twitter (@OregonDOT) for updates for the date when the reamp will re-open.

~ Jyll

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