Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Above deck enhancements

From ODOT-

Did you know that long before there was a bridge over it, the Willamette River was vital to the Kalapuya Tribe for commerce, travel, carrying news and as a source of food. The river is the center of many stories handed down by the Kalapuya over time. One story is how the Coyote tricked the Frog Sisters into releasing water into the valley, creating the river.

What do Kalapuya culture and stories have to do with the new bridge? In building a bridge and including art enhancements, we have a unique opportunity to create greater awareness of the Kalapuya and other historical and natural features of the area.

Information on the Kalapuya culture, other proposed enhancements, available space, and maintenance requirements were just some of the topics discussed at an informational meeting on Oct. 25 for artists interested in proposing design enhancements adjacent to the roadway near the new bridges.

I am proud of the efforts of our team to engage in ongoing dialogue to discover the range of opportunities for displaying the historical significance of the area surrounding the bridge.

Watch for results of these efforts when final enhancements are built in late 2013 or early 2014.

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