Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Protecting the Environment

From ODOT - The construction area for the Willamette River Bridge project has multiple environmentally and historically sensitive areas, including the Whilamut Natural Area, Mill Race Ruins, the river itself and its banks. We have taken many measures to protect these areas. Before construction, an inventory of the site documented wetlands, plant and animal species, and areas of historical importance. Fencing and markings have been placed identifying areas to be left undisturbed. During the design phase, bridge piers and other project features were located to avoid impacts as much as practical. Sometimes it was impossible to avoid impacting the protected resources. In these cases, we inventoried items carefully and submitted plans detailing the impacts and strategy for restoration and mitigation which were then approved by local, state and federal regulators before construction began. Environmental monitors conduct inspections to verify that we are meeting the permit requirements and identify any future needs. I am happy to report that we continue to receive positive comments and reviews. Once construction is complete, we will provide new vegetation and habitat, and improve the surrounding areas. Balancing the project need to protect and enhance environmentally and historically sensitive areas during construction requires a strong partnership between the community, ODOT, other State and Federal Agencies, local jurisdictions, and our contractors. We have a path forward. I believe when we are through we will be leaving the area better than we found it.

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