Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Work Continues on Park Design Enhancements

From ODOT- Located above a pristine natural area with major pedestrian paths connecting Eugene and Springfield, the Willamette River Bridge project is located in a unique setting.

We have hired teams of artists to design enhancements that will improve areas near the pedestrian paths on the north and south banks of the river. The teams will finalize their designs this year. This is the latest step in years of planning to make sure the final bridge project fits in with its unique surroundings.

The most extensive enhancements will be in the Whilamut Natural Area. They will be located along the park paths under Interstate 5 at Canoe Canal, on the north bank of the river and throughout the area just west of the bridges. Working with local stakeholders to better understand long-term maintenance issues, the artist team for this area will refine their initial concepts for approval.

On the south bank, ODOT and the Design Enhancement Steering Committee members have decided to take another look at how best to use the limited space. The original design concepts were based on plans that have since changed, particularly those related to the realignment of the path on the south bank. In addition, we now know more about the required interpretative displays detailing the historic Eugene Millrace and the history of the Kalapuya Tribe’s use of the area. Integrating those displays with other enhancements makes sense and will result in a better experience for path users. The DESC will clarify the impact of the changes and make recommendations on how to proceed.

One thing is certain; the design enhancements will make using these paths even more enjoyable.

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