Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

A new blogger joins the team

From ODOT-

I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy the sunshine today.

I’d like to welcome a new blogger to our team, Jim Cox, who has taken over for Ray Mabey as overall project manager for the I-5 Willamette River Bridge project. Ray has moved to another assignment within ODOT; we appreciate all of the accomplishments that were made under his leadership.

Jim is assistant branch manager for ODOT’s Major Projects Branch, where he has worked for the past seven years. He had a leading role on the environmental assessment of the Interstate 5 Willamette River Bridge project that was completed in 2009. He also played a crucial role during our process to hire the contracting team, by evaluating proposals and negotiating the contract.

Jim has consistently served as the champion of ODOT’s Context Sensitive and Sustainable Solutions initiative to improve the state transportation infrastructure while instilling a socially and environmentally responsible culture of sustainability.

Welcome Jim!

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