Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Can you spot the safety hazards?

From ODOT-

ODOT’s top priority is safety—for both the traveling public and roadside workers. Because of Oregon’s robust safety program, our contractor, Hamilton Construction, and its crews have worked 25,681 hours on this project without a time-loss injury.

While we always make safety our top priority, bridge construction sites of 50 years ago looked very different than those today.

Safety regulations and practices have come a long way since the construction of the original Interstate 5 Willamette River Bridge in 1961. Construction equipment, tools and techniques have improved safety and operations over the years. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations have helped to protect workers since 1970.

So let’s take a trip in the time machine and go back 50 years.

Can you spot the hazards that would be modern OSHA violations in this historic construction photo of the original Willamette River Bridge?

Put your answers in the comment section of this post. We will reveal the answers on the blog next week. Good luck!

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