Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Cyclists: Please slow down and respect all path users

From ODOT-

Better weather means more people using the pedestrian and bicycle paths near the construction of the Willamette River Bridge.

It’s great to see so many of you enjoying the park and stopping to view the ongoing construction work. But as activity on the paths increases, there are more safety challenges for all.

The detour paths near the bridge work are designed for users to pass safely through the construction area with minimal slowdowns and construction conflicts.

We’ve observed some cyclists speeding in congested areas, which increases the risk of crashes and injuries. Please slow down and watch out for other path users to ensure everybody’s safety.

The detour routes are not the final path configurations and will change by the time the bridge project is complete. The detour paths near the north end of the Knickerbocker Bridge are one example. The final alignment for the park paths is shown on the construction kiosks located throughout the park.

We are pleased with the construction progress on the bridges and look forward to the final path improvements. In the meantime, cyclists, please slow down as you pass through the park, enjoy the ride and stay safe.

Watch our public service announcement addressing path safety around the project.

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