Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Exploring possibilities for the south bank

From ODOT-

Citizen volunteers, along with representatives of ODOT, Hamilton Construction and Cameron McCarthy Landscape Architecture and Planning, recently toured the south bank of the Willamette River, just west of current bridge construction. The purpose of the tour was to better understand potential opportunities to combine required interpretive displays about the historic Eugene millrace and tribal heritage with additional design enhancements planned for the area.

What the group discovered are some great viewing locations where you can see the river, the historic Eugene millrace ruins and the freeway bridge. They also gained a greater appreciation and understanding of the existing natural environment and how landscaping plans will complement it with native plants. Several important opportunity areas were identified along with a list of potential enhancements. A key focus is to enhance the experience of those who will use the new south bank viaduct path in the future.

Plans are now under way to select the best locations, integrate interpretive displays with potential new design enhancements, and install the improvements in early 2014 when bridge construction is complete.

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