Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Nation’s top highway official tours Willamette River Bridge project

From ODOT-

Yesterday was an exciting day for ODOT as Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez toured the Willamette River Bridge project with ODOT Director Matthew Garrett.

Through its Every Day Counts initiative, the Federal Highway Administration is showing agencies how to make the most of limited funding by delivering projects as cost-effectively as possible. FHWA is sharing ways state DOTs can use technology and innovation to shorten project delivery, improve highway safety and protect the environment.

The Willamette River Bridge is a perfect illustration of the kind of environmental and project streamlining outlined in the Every Day Counts initiative.

Thanks to the construction manager/general contractor delivery method, a first for ODOT, we were able to begin construction two years earlier than if we had used traditional design-bid-build contracting.

On top of that, we collaborated with environmental regulators to complete portions of the environmental permitting on this bridge in only 30 days — using traditional permitting methods could have taken up to 145 days.

In his opening remarks, Director Garrett noted that the Willamette River Bridge project is a shining example of our environmental programmatic permitting process, which was established at the start of the bridge program in 2003.

We greatly appreciate this visit by Administrator Mendez and his recognition of our project for using innovations in contracting and permitting that save costs and time, while building a safe and attractive bridge.

FHWA Administrator Mendez (center) touring

the Willamette River Bridge project.

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