Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Keeping the public and our workers safe while placing beams

From ODOT-

Safety comes first on all our construction projects. For the Canoe Canal Bridge project, safety measures allow the public to pass through the work zone on Franklin Boulevard, the railroad or the many pedestrian paths during construction.

When we placed the support beams on the bridge abutments, we protected the equipment operators, the workers on the ground and the pedestrians and bicyclists using the paths in a variety of ways.

In advance of the work, signs along the path alerted users to the upcoming delays. We placed notices on the project website and blog, and notified local stakeholders through email messages. As the beams were placed, flaggers delayed path users until it was safe to pass.

Flagger shown in the lower right corner is stopping a bicyclist until the beam is set into place.

At all times workers wear standard hard hats, safety vests and other safety equipment. In addition, workers who need to climb on the beams use safety harnesses and ropes attached to the beams to protect them in case of a fall.

A worker is protected by a safety rope while he is on the beam.

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